Sunday, March 2, 2008

LoveLandLocal Bulk Buying Club

This post is for people in the Loveland/Fort Collins Colorado area. Some of the posters expressed interest in a bulk buying club. It would be nice to eventually have a food cooperative in our area, but that's a big project and I think we need to start smaller. Anyway, I'd like to host a meeting of local people at my house next weekend. See the lines below for my email address (configured to prevent auto-harvesting and even more spam).

Lynnetnb--Please email me at the address which you

at--------see to the left of this paragraph, substituting

frii------as needed to make a valid email address. Then

dot-------we can communicate about a time and place for

com-------the meeting. I'm envisioning placing bulk orders for once a month delivery. I'd like to see it limited to Colorado grown foods, preferably organic, certainly non-GMO, and the closer to us, the better. So if you're interested, drop me an email!

BTW I'm sure loving the Colorado organic millet I found recently.

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